Halloween costumes at Rosegal + Giveaway

Get closer to Halloween, and you have not yet tried the costume you will wear. That's why we can not miss the offer offered by Rosegal. On this site you can find very interesting costumes, all of which will be scary. All costumes are on sale and up to 65%.
You can see the offer of all interesting bones on the link ---> https://www.rosegal.com/promotion-Halloween-deal-special-148.html?lkid=11602403

Bliži se noć Veštica, a još uvek nista probašli kostim koji ćete nositi. Zbog toga nemoje propustiti ponudu koju nudi Rosegal. Na ovom sajtu možete naći veoma zanimljive kostime, od kojih će se svi plašiti. Svi kostimi su na sniženju pa čak i do 65%.
 Ponudu svih zanimljivih kostima možete videti  na linku ---> https://www.rosegal.com/promotion-Halloween-deal-special-148.html?lkid=11602403

In addition to the great offer of Wristwatches, Rosegal offers you to win a $ 100 gift card. The task is very easy, you need to get to know the characters from the image that is on the link below. You can see all the rules for participating in this prize game, as well as more detailed information about the prize here ----> http://www.rosegalreviews.com/no-tricks-all-treats/

Pored velike ponude kostima za noć Veštica, Rosegal Vam nudi da osvojite poklon karticu sa 100 dolara. Zadatak je veoma lak, potrebno je da preoznate likove sa slike koja se nalazi na linku ispod.
Sva pravila za učestvovanje u ovoj nagradnoj igri, kao i detaljnije informacije o nagradi možete videti ovde ----> http://www.rosegalreviews.com/no-tricks-all-treats/

The prize game is valid until October 31st. Hurry, and win this worthy reward.

Nagradna igra traje do 31. oktobra. Požurite, i osvojite ovu zaista vrednu nagradu.

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